Dear Rwandan Women, We Failed You.
I don't remember much of it but in 2003, I was only 12 years old and only cared about my next football game with my childhood friends and how to survive bullies. But I remember all the buzz and the speeches and how the new constitution would aim to get women in parliament with a 30% involvement. and it happened. It was a capital W for all women across Rwanda. The bar was set high. The standards couldn't be any higher. Fast forward 2021, there's a lot of women in all sectors of the country and in all professions. In some sectors, women command a larger percentage than men. It's a good thing, it gives hope to women that there's so much to strive for and working hard could get you a career as a woman in this capitalist world ruled by me. Slightly different to the old days when women would only be groomed to be wives. But you know the thing about setting the bar high? it's that you have to be consistent in what you do. You have to keep the level of commitment that ...